Friday, February 23, 2007

A Tight Fit...

As part of our company Gala, we had some very expensive vehicles delivered... To the right you can see a Range Rover Sport that was delivered. It had to make it through the front door of the Hilton.

In the second picture, you can see that it had barely 1/4 of an inch on either side.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bug gets a day out

We had a nice day a couple of weeks ago, so we let Bug go out and enjoy the sun. He was happy to pose for a few pictures before finding some dirt to roll around in.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Bond, Jim, Bond

For my company's Gala, I was "volunteered" to dress up as 007. I had a couple of "Bond girls" to escort me up on stage where I gave a short speach about attending the gala. The giant martini glass was very popular,

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Best place to eat on Kauai

The night we landed in Kauai, we picked up the rental car and asked the attendent where to eat... she said "Barbecue Inn". It isn't fancy from the outside but the food is incredible and inexpensive. You get great food for your money!
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Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the beach... obviously. For anyone that has been to Kauai, chickens are no surprise. As we drove out towards Ke'e Beach from Princeville, we stopped at this beach where we were greeted by a rooster. They are literally everywhere on the island. Our first day on the island we were forced to wake up at about 7:00a by the roosters coming through our condo complex. Fortunately they left us alone most of the rest of the week.
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Friday, February 02, 2007

Early Morning in Colorado

This is the view of the mountains from Colorado Springs this morning. The moon was setting over the mountains as the sun was rising to the east. The temperature was about -2 F (-20 C). Posted by Picasa