Monday, June 27, 2005

Pictures from Prague (Praha)

I've finally gotten a minute to post some pictures from Prague. The first 2 are from the Křižíkova Fountains in Prague. The fountains were synchronized to the soundtrack from Gladiator. The next showing used music from Metallica and Scorpions. Evidentally these fountains inspired the fountains at the Bellagio... obviously they needed to be on a larger scale for Las Vegas though :)

Fountains in Prague

Fountains 2
The next picture is of Týn Church. It is located in Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

Tyn's Church in Prague

Monday, June 13, 2005

Back in the USA

It's been quite a while since my last post. I've since returned to the US. Things have not slowed down though since I left the UK.

My last weekend in the UK (Memorial Day), I went to Prague. I flew there on Friday and returned Sunday. I spent the entire time walking around the city and took lots of pictures. I also managed to locate a geocache while I was there.

Upon my return to Newcastle, I went and saw Star Wars and then had dinner with some coworkers. I spent Monday getting my apartment cleared out and wrapping up a few outstanding items with some of my coworkers. On Tuesday (May 31), I headed for home. 11 hours later, I arrived in Denver. Russ picked me up and helped me load my extremely heavy bags into his car. I think I had 6 or 7 total.

I took less than a 1/2 day to recover before heading into the office. The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy with work, and then traveling back to DC for Jimmy's wedding. While we were there Jimmy told me he felt really bad about spilling the beans about Laura and Basil. I tried to explain to him that we all had a great laugh over it and not to worry.

How's everyone else doing??? Not a lot of activity here on the blog! I'll post some pictures of Prague eventually and maybe some other interesting photos that I've taken over the past few weeks.

Take care!!